Adapter Pattern in TypeScript — ✨ Structural Design Pattern #1

2 min readMay 20, 2023


Photo by Anh Nhat on Unsplash

🙋🏻‍♀️ What is the Adapter Pattern?

The Adapter Pattern is a design approach that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together.

When objects cannot directly communicate, the Adapter class, as an intermediary, effectively adapts the interface of one object to match the interface expected by the other object.

✨ Simple TypeScript Example

You can implement the Adapter Pattern by using either class inheritance or object composition.

In the class inheritance approach, the Adapter class extends the incompatible class and implements the desired interface.

Let’s say you have a Client interface representing the desired interface that the client code expects. Service class represents an existing class or object with an incompatible interface.

interface Client {
request(): void;

class Service {
performOperation(): void {
console.log("Performing operation");

The Adapter class implements the Client interface and acts as an intermediary between the client code and the Service class.

// Adapter class using Class Inheritance
class Adapter extends Service implements Client {
request(): void {
// Client code
const client: Client = new Adapter();

On the other hand, in the object composition approach, the Adapter class contains an instance of the Service class and delegates the requests to it, while still implementing the desired interface.

// Adapter class using Object Composition
class Service implements Client {
private service: Service;

constructor(service: Service) {
this.service = service;

request(): void {
// Client Code
const service: Service = new Service();
const client: Client = new Adapter(service);


🧑🏻‍💻 Use it or Avoid it

When to use it

The Adapter Pattern is especially useful when integrating legacy code or reusing existing classes because the Adapter Pattern can bridge the gap and allow them to work together without modifying the existing code.

This pattern can also be an appropriate solution for promoting decoupling. An adapter will help you to separate the client code from the implementation details of an external API, making it easier to switch or update the underlying implementation later.

When to avoid it

It’s important to consider the trade-offs and whether the additional abstraction is truly necessary. The Adapter Pattern might not be suitable if you can directly perform the required transformations in the client code, or oppositely using Adapter is not sufficient because the incompatible objects have different internal logic fundamentally.




Written by 365kim

Web Front-End Developer who believes Every Day Counts!

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